Is Elisabeth Moss the New Joan Crawford?

Hester Prynne, the Puritan character in Jane Eyre Gets Real by Annabelle Troy, never misses an episode of #TheHandmaid’s Tale. While the show, famously based on the book by #MargaretAtwood, has been touted as showing what life would be like for women under an ultra-conservative regime (think Reagan era on steroids), Hester sees it more as a stark portrayal of gender politics. Men traditionally want women to fall into one of four categories: sexual objects, wives, maids or fertility totems. In Gilead, they have achieved their desire. The heroine, June Osborne, is played by #ElisabethMoss with gutsy stoicism. June is … Continue reading Is Elisabeth Moss the New Joan Crawford?

Was Jane Austen Woke?

“There are places in town, offices, where inquiry would soon produce something – offices for the sale, not quite of human flesh, but of human intellect”, to which Mrs Elton replies with, “Oh! my dear, human flesh! You quite shock me; if you mean a fling at the slave trade, I assure you Mr. Suckling was always rather a friend to the abolition.” Passages like the one above, from Jane Austen’s novel Emma, would seem to suggest Austen herself was in favor of the abolitionists. However, as anyone who doesn’t live under a tea cozy would know, controversy was stirred … Continue reading Was Jane Austen Woke?

It’s Raining #Babies

Heidi, the youngest character in the novel Jane Eyre Gets Real by Annabelle Troy, loves babies. So she was delighted to hear of the rare birth of #nonuplets (rhymes with couplet!) to Malian citizen Halima Cisse. That’s nine babies, all at once. The mother is said to be resting comfortably, perhaps for the last time in her life… In 2019 Nadya Suleman famously gave birth to eight infants, earning herself the nickname “Octomom.” Fertility treatments have made multiple births much less of a rarity in our day than there were, say, in the 1930’s. With their birth to humble farmers … Continue reading It’s Raining #Babies

Love’s Wild Ride: Flying Kiss of #China

Jane Eyre, the lead character in Annabelle Troy’s novel Jane Eyre Gets Real, is no stranger to the travails of #love. However, even she would hesitate before visiting the new carousel ride at China’s Flying Kiss Amusement Park, Chongqing. There, on a cliff 3,300 feet above the Wu River, are poised two gigantic statues; one represents Chaofeng, the other The Purple Fairy, mythic lovers from an ancient tale. Each figure holds a revolving carousel in their hand, which takes human passengers to a height of 52 meters then spins them around in the air, allowing them gorgeous–if dizzying–panoramic views. The … Continue reading Love’s Wild Ride: Flying Kiss of #China

Bridgerton: #Mr.Darcy Weighs In

In Annabelle Troy’s novel Jane Eyre Gets Real, in which several literary characters find themselves stuck in a Big Brother type reality show, Mr. Darcy is the character who represents Jane Austen. So it is only fitting that he give his opinion of #Bridgerton, the Netflix series set during the Regency, based on the novels of Julia Quinn. From the beginning Mr. Darcy enjoyed the show’s lush production values and perfect costumes. It gets so many details, such as the slang of the times, just right. It was pleasant to see a color blind cast and fresh faces. The principal … Continue reading Bridgerton: #Mr.Darcy Weighs In

Very Victorian #Vaccine Problems

Edward Jennings contributed greatly to the advancement of vaccines when, in 1798, he administered them for smallpox. How did he get the idea? Well, as a little boy he’d had smallpox himself and survived, becoming immune to the disease. As #Covid19 vaccines begin to be rolled out across the USA, the cast of Annabelle Troy’s novel Jane Eyre Gets Real reminds you that no era is immune to problems, least of all the Victorians: The Syringe Won’t Go Through Your Sleeve You Prefer to Stick With Opiates Your Cat Wants A Shot, Too After You’re Pricked, You Sleep For A … Continue reading Very Victorian #Vaccine Problems

Fan Favorite #DawnWells Mourned by Heidi

Heidi is the only juvenile character in the novel Jane Eyre Gets Real by Annabelle Troy. The little Swiss girl originally created by Johanna Spyri has watched a lot of reruns on #YouTube since being transported to contemporary New York City. She has become fond of the silly 1960’s sitcom #Gilligan’sIsland. With her own nature being sunny and open, Heidi found a kindred spirit in Mary Ann Summers, the unassuming character played by Dawn Wells. A country girl marooned with nothing to wear but cut-offs and gingham blouses, Mary Ann makes the best of a bad situation by baking coconut … Continue reading Fan Favorite #DawnWells Mourned by Heidi

No Glitter Litter This #Xmas

David Copperfield, probably the most likeable character in Jane Eyre Gets Real, a novel by Annabelle Troy, has always been concerned with the #environment. He’d like you to know that in 2019 scientists began lobbying for a major ban on glitter products, such as tinsel and garlands, because they have been making their way into rivers and oceans, seriously damaging marine life. The United Kingdom has taken a stance on this, with major retailers including Waitrose and John Lewis having already stopped stocking all glittery things. In the USA there is online shop Bioglitter, which offers a product which biodegrades … Continue reading No Glitter Litter This #Xmas

Halloween Party Like It’s 1899

Dorian Gray may be the most macabre character in Jane Eyre Gets Real, the novel by Annabelle Troy. Therefore, he appreciates the value of a good #Halloween celebration. Victorians considered the holiday far more fitting for adults than for children; it didn’t really become a kid’s affair until the 1920’s. October 31st was a day when Victorians could let their hair down and have a romping good time. Known to be preoccupied with death–probably because their relatives, offspring and friends were often dying, at home and slowly–19th century folk viewed Halloween as an occasion when the tables could be turned … Continue reading Halloween Party Like It’s 1899

Very Victorian Hacks for Boredom

If you are feeling stressed/bored/unmotivated during corona virus #lockdown, here are some tips, suggested by the characters in JANE EYRE GETS REAL by Annabelle Troy: Have an old-fashioned taffy pull. Nothing gets out anguish quite like cooking corn syrup into hard balls then twisting the hell out of it. Teach your dog or other pets how to do new tricks. You may even be inspired to start your own circus. Put on some roller skates and zoom around your living room, after you have rolled up the carpets. You’ll be surprised at how good it will feel! Don’t be afraid … Continue reading Very Victorian Hacks for Boredom